by Stephanie LaPeter

Here is my cause
This is my chance
Can't remember my name
And don't know where I am
this is my reason
this is my why
But reasons need wings
To learn how to fly
And I could be you
But I'm here for me
My 15 of fame
My moment of glory
this is my heart
Right here on my sleeve
I'm looking so strong
But I'd fall down so easy
I'm at my weakness
Here in your eye
Just reach out and be me
Like this you can fly
But you'll come crashing down
I know I will
When everything's over
I'll be bottom of the hill
And I feel like laughing
And I feel like crying
And I want to scream
And I know I'm flying
But it's the last you'll ever see me
the first you'll ever know
One moment is that everything
One moment's all we know
And now I don't belong to you
I'm on my own I'm free
Which kind of is the saddest part
Cause no one will remember me
But here I am
I don't know why
I gave wings to my reason
And now we both fly.

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